
The activities of the proposed project include research, workshops, exhibitions of rural heritage organised jointly by the co-organisers and associate partners, training and dissemination of project results, as follows:

  1. Organisation of four transnational workshops that will bring together ethnographers, museum staff, cultural managers, historians and rural development animators from all 7 participating countries. The workshops will promote exchange of experience, leading to a conceptual framework for the research and documentation of European rural heritage; the development of specific "themes" to guide the organisation of joint rural heritage exhibitions; and will work out the logistics for the exhibitions.
  2. Organisation of national workshops in the participating countries, to provide input to the transnational workshops and encourage the involvement of museums and other cultural operators at the local level in the project activities.
  3. Comparative research and documentation on several "vertical themes" of the European rural heritage,including food, architecture, music, utensils, artefacts, tales etc; and three "horizontal themes" linking rural heritage to sustainable social and economic development of rural communities.
  4. Organisation of three "thematic" exhibitions by the project partnership. Each co-organiser will be expected to take part in two thematic exhibitions, while each exhibition will be expected to tour at least three locations in different countries, totalling nine locations.
  5. Training of cultural operators from across Europe (museum staff, managers and animators of cultural development in rural areas etc) in a 10-day summer school, to improve their technical and theoretical knowledge and raise their awareness of the value of rural heritage as a factor of sustainable rural development and promote cross-national cooperation and networking.
  6. Organisation of short practical courses, lectures and other cultural events, preferably attached to the exhibitions, demonstrating traditional skills, customs, music, cuisine, architecture etc, addressing the wider public and in particular the young and schools. Internet-based versions of these courses and events will be also developed and offered.
  7. Organisation of an end-of-project international conference to disseminate the results of the project; promote further transnational exchange of experience between professionals and organisations; stress the links of rural heritage with sustainable rural development; and launch the continuation of project activities through the set up of a formal rural heritage network.
  8. A series of publications, including the results of the research; guidebooks of the exhibitions; workshop and conference reports; a training manual for the summer school; and brief manuals for the short courses and cultural events attached to the exhibitions.
  9. Creation of a dedicated website to disseminate the activities and results of the project and host virtual exhibitions, project publications and e-learning.
  10. Strategic and day-to-day management and coordination of the project, planning, monitoring and evaluation of project activities, aided by a Steering Committee, which will meet regularly.