Exhibitions > Thematic Exhibition 1


  • 1st Cult-Rural Theme 1 Exhibition - Heraklion, Greece

The Exhibition titled "Landscape Stories - from tradition to sustainability" opened on the 9th of July 2009 and will remain open until the 23rd of July 2009



    Director of PRISMA and President of Euracademy Association with the Prefecturer of Heraklion, the President of the Prefecture Board and a Member of the Greek Parliament  Members of the Cult-Rural Parntership


  • 2nd Cult-Rural Theme 1 Exhibition - San Marco dei Cavoti, Italy

The Exhibition titled "Landscape Stories - from tradition to sustainability" opened on the 19th of July 2009 and will remain open until October 2009






  • 3rd Cult-Rural Theme 1 Exhibition - Athens, Greece

The Exhibition titled "Landscape Stories - from tradition to sustainability" opened on the 1st September 2009 and will remain open until October 2009
